How to Save only Gantt chart into .pdf file


Alle Anand

How to save only gantt chart from project .mpp to .pdf file. While saving it
should not display the print dialog box. Please provide me some solution for

Alle Anand

Thank you Jan,

Yes, But here my requirement is to print only the gantt chart (i.e., without
spread sheet)

Alle Anand

Jan De Messemaeker


Ok, here we go.
Reduce the width of the two leftmost columns to zero, either by dragging
with the mouse, of by editing the table in View, Table... , More Tables,
Now draw the Split Bar to the extreme left.
There you are.

"In a Gantt Chart, the number of columns from the left side shown in a
Print, is the number of totally visible columns with a minimum of 2"
Hope this helps,

Alle Anand

Dear Jan,

Thanks for the replay.
That is possible when we do manually. But for this I need to write a macro.
When we run this macro, it should automatically save only the gantt chart
into *.pdf file.

Thanks & With Regards,
Alle Anand

Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Alle,

Well, then the macro should do what I suggest. Tableedit will do the trick.

Dean C

When you have it looking the way you want, select View
Table:{tablename}MoreTables Copy and name the copied table Print to PDF and
save it. Next, select ViewMoreViews copy and rename the copy Print to PDF.
Select Print to PDF as the table. Then, whenever you want to print, use the
Print to PDF view. If you make Gantt bar style changes, you will need to
repeat the view renaming or make the Gantt bar changes in both places.

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