How to search Notes in Entourage with Spotlight.

  • Thread starter Joseph Chamberlain, D.D.S.
  • Start date

Joseph Chamberlain, D.D.S.

Dear members:

I have done a search in my system looking for documents with a certain
keyword. I know I have at least a handful of documents in Entourage stored
as Notes that contain this keyword but I can't Spotlight doesn't return

I have noticed in my Spotlight window that files are grouped in different
categories but I don't see Notes there. There are two different groups with
Entourage documents that are "Mail Messages" and "Events & To Do's". Notes
does not appear as I would expect as a third category or group.

What do I need to to so that Spotlight searches Notes and shows it in its
window under a separate group ?

Thank you in advance for your help,

Joseph Chamberlain

Mickey Stevens

On my computer, Entourage notes show up under "Documents" when I do a
Spotlight search. I believe that the available categories for Spotlight
searches are predetermined by Apple and that Microsoft has to work within
those categories; I don't think there's anything one can do to edit them.
In that there is no "notes" category, perhaps Microsoft thought it most
logical that notes be grouped with typical documents.

Joseph Chamberlain, D.D.S.


After reading your message and went back to Spotlight. They are there just
as you describe. It happened that my search generated a lot of returns and
the notes were all the way on the bottom mixed in the middle of hundreds of
other documents. Once I had the documents organized by type the Entourage
Notes were grouped together which made it easy to locate them.

Thank you very much for your help and for answering my post.

Best regards,

Joseph Chamberlain


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