How to see the entire calendar day on thescreen without having to scroll?



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I've just started using Entourage and this is driving me crazy. How can I tell Entourage to change its display preferences so I can see the entire day? Right now it shows each appointment as a huge bubble on the calendar and therefore I can only see about 7 hours of the day at a time (I'm working on a laptop with a 13" screen). The result is that unless I remember to scroll down, the day's later appointments simply are out of sight!

Please help - I'm about ready to toss Entourage for this reason alone!

Abe Z.

Michel Bintener

Hi Abe,

Entourage uses a default setting for the calendar display that cannot be
modified; only if you view your calendar on a larger screen will you be able
to see more of each day.

You might want to try list view, even though it is very different in both
appearance and purpose from the traditional day/week/month views. Click on
Calendar>List to see all your events for the current day as well as the next
ones in list form.


Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I've just started using Entourage and this is driving me crazy. How can Itell Entourage to change its display preferences so I can see the entire day? Right now it shows each appointment as a huge bubble on the calendar and therefore I can only see about 7 hours of the day at a time (I'm working on a laptop with a 13" screen). The result is that unless I remember to scroll down, the day's later appointments simply are out of sight!

Please help - I'm about ready to toss Entourage for this reason alone!

Abe Z.

Yeah, that's the way Entourage works. on my Cinema Display its a non
issue. I have a couple of thoughts for you though that I employ.
First, as Michael mentions you might just change to list view and
using a search you can limit the view and then save it. Pull the saved
view to just below the toolbar for quick access.

My Day is also useful for seeing what's coming up immediately. Its not

Even better is iClock Pro. This has a lot of useful functions I like
but one thing it does is when you click the clock you get a mothly
clock display and below that a list view of all up and coming appts
from this moment forward (pulled from iCal). You can switch the view
quickly to TODO's also. This is a great little utility program from
Script Software and I'm always glancing at the date and time and
frequently I open the calendar and often just leave it open.

iClock Pro will get around your problem and so too will My Day to some
extent. I'd get iClock Pro though. You'll find other cool functions
there that are super handy.


Thanks for the information. It's a little shocking to me that Entourage doesn't make it easier to see an entire day on a laptop screen, especially since it is using tons of space to show each appointment, far more than is needed. But, so it goes. I will learn to adapt.

The suggestion of List View is very helpful, though there also the implementation seems to leave a lot to be desired (such as, for example, the fact that if I choose list view in conjunction with a single day it won't let me scroll down to the next day. I can get around this by going to week view and selecting list view, but there also, it won't let me see things that are two days ahead if I happen to be on the last day of the week. I can get around this by going to month view but then the list begins with the first day of the month, so I have to scroll all the way down to the end if the month is almost over.). But it is true that at least List View collapses all the unused space in the day when there is nothing scheduled, and that is helpful.

Thanks for your advice.

Abe Z.



Thanks very much - I'll try playing with My Day and see if it helps.

Can you please clarify what you mean about saving a search and putting it on the toolbar? I know how to do that so I'm not asking about the technicalities of how, but rather I don't quite understand what sort of search I might want to save. In general, I want to be able to see everything in my calendar, not a subset, and if I understand correctly, the saved search option will basically allow me to create a filtered calendar, no?

As for iClock Pro, thanks for the suggestion. I took a look at it and I'm not sure that its features are worth $20 for me. Especially because the thing that would be most interesting to me is the Calendar integration but it doesn't look like it will allow you to edit or add events - it looks like it simply provides you with another way to see the events that you already have scheduled. And I'm sure that it would drive me crazy to be looking at the calendar in iClock Pro and then go to add an event and realize that I needed to switch over to Entourage. Or am I somehow missing something about what makes iClock Pro so valuable to you? The other features (multiple time zone support, stock prices, how long have applications been open, etc.) are not very useful for me.

Abe Z.


In terms of adding entries to your calendar or events from iClock this
is super simple and fast. If you're in the calendar list just click
the plus button and a dialogue will open to enter a calendar entry. By
clicking the cal button it switches to tasks and again hitting the
plus button allows you to enter a task. The minus button allows you to
delete the task. These actions are stored in iCal which would sync to
Entourage. It works real well.

I also like being able to pull down that calendar in any space rather
than flipping back to the space that Entourage is in - for me space 1.
Also, for some reason even if you set My Day to every space it won't
show on every space but rather the space you open it in. I often need
to refer to my calendar and might be in the space for my browser or
Windows but I can quickly view the calendar and enter something there
without flipping to Entourage. For me, I couldn't live without iClock
Pro. I definitely find its worth the $20.

When I said save search it might not apply to your needs at all. I was
thinking you might want to see calendar entries say for today or for
the next 7 days. I have a saved search that just shows me the next 7
days. I like this so I don't have too much information on the screen
staring at me. I can focus in quickly on what's coming up in the next
week. It just allows me to function more efficiently.

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