How to highlight an entire row of records and hold this format while user
navigates to correct record, (6 fields) so an append query (via a control)
can then be run to append the selected row to another table.
I have a product search form with:
1. An unbound text box (that is the criteria for a query) for user data
entry eg: Like ([forms]![Frm_FindTitles_DVD]![Input01]) & "*")
2. A control button 'refresh form data' that refreshes form data once data
input complete.
3. a datasheet subform for the query.
When the form opens the curser is in the text box awaiting data entry, the
user then refreshes form data and the records matching query criteria are
shown in the datasheet.
So will need to have the row automatically selected once the form data has
been refreshed (nice), or manually select the row by clicking on the arrow
next to the record row (which highlights that entire row), then
navigating to the record with keyboard up/down keys to select the required
row. I know how to build an append query based on a form controls etc. so
have done that ok. I would guess that the "selected" record row are the
required data for the append query & nothing more needs to be done on the
1. How to highlight an entire record row automatically, and hold this format
while user navigates to correct record.
2. How to use the record row in an append query.
Would the code look like:
INSERT INTO [Tbl_SBuy Temp] ( Title, Format, SPrice, BCPrice, BTPrice )
SELECT Forms!Frm_FindTitles_BOOKS!TITLE AS Expr1,
Forms!Frm_FindTitles_BOOKS!FORMAT AS Expr2,
Forms!Frm_FindTitles_BOOKS!SPrice AS Expr3,
Forms!Frm_FindTitles_BOOKS!CBPrice AS Expr4,
Forms!Frm_FindTitles_BOOKS!TBPrice AS Expr5;
Thanks in advance.
navigates to correct record, (6 fields) so an append query (via a control)
can then be run to append the selected row to another table.
I have a product search form with:
1. An unbound text box (that is the criteria for a query) for user data
entry eg: Like ([forms]![Frm_FindTitles_DVD]![Input01]) & "*")
2. A control button 'refresh form data' that refreshes form data once data
input complete.
3. a datasheet subform for the query.
When the form opens the curser is in the text box awaiting data entry, the
user then refreshes form data and the records matching query criteria are
shown in the datasheet.
So will need to have the row automatically selected once the form data has
been refreshed (nice), or manually select the row by clicking on the arrow
next to the record row (which highlights that entire row), then
navigating to the record with keyboard up/down keys to select the required
row. I know how to build an append query based on a form controls etc. so
have done that ok. I would guess that the "selected" record row are the
required data for the append query & nothing more needs to be done on the
1. How to highlight an entire record row automatically, and hold this format
while user navigates to correct record.
2. How to use the record row in an append query.
Would the code look like:
INSERT INTO [Tbl_SBuy Temp] ( Title, Format, SPrice, BCPrice, BTPrice )
SELECT Forms!Frm_FindTitles_BOOKS!TITLE AS Expr1,
Forms!Frm_FindTitles_BOOKS!FORMAT AS Expr2,
Forms!Frm_FindTitles_BOOKS!SPrice AS Expr3,
Forms!Frm_FindTitles_BOOKS!CBPrice AS Expr4,
Forms!Frm_FindTitles_BOOKS!TBPrice AS Expr5;
Thanks in advance.