How to "Select" certain areas in a page to print




I have a lab manual that I have Sent to OneNote.
Obviously it turns the 80 or so pages into 1 long page (picture).

Say I wanted to print out pages (page numbers on the bottom of the page in
the original manual)...say I wanted to print out pages 9-13.
Is there a way to select just that area (maybe like a "Crop" function in
Photoshop), so that I can just print what I've selected?



Teacher Weeks

Why don't you run the image through an OCR processor and convert it to text,
and then put the text into OneNote, it will also give text seraching????


Isn't your solution just making a circular problem?

Maybe I'm not getting it, or maybe I didn't explain myself well enough the
first time, so I'll reiterate what I'm trying to accomplish.

Say I have a 30 slide PPT presentation that I send to OneNote.
Then say I take some notes on some of the "slides" and only want to print
out that area that I wrote on. Is there a way to select just those area
(within the "page") so that I don't have to print out the entire "page"?



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