How to select particular lines in Word?



First. Textboxes can wrap lines automatically and if you add scrollbars
there's no particular limit to the number of 'lines' the textbox can hold.

Second, there's no reason to expect one line in the document to correspond
to one line in the textbox.

You can't easily loop through the lines of the document because within the
document there is no 'line' object as such. The line breaks are not built-in
to the text.

Perhaps if you explained what you were trying to do? It sounds like you want
to transfer the body of your document to a series of textboxes, 18 lines at
a time... but that surely isn't what you mean.

Dong Ge

I have many text that will be filled to a serials of Textboxes. The
Textbox is only 9cm$)A!A5cm, so it can only contain 18 lines text.

So I must split my text to a serials of blocks that only contain 18
lines text, then copy & paste these blocks to the Textboxes.

I have learned below code in this forum:
NumLines = ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties(wdPropertyLines)
But the "NumLines" return the total line numbers only, and I can't
Loop in the text with this method.

How to do it?
Tons of thanks in advance!

Dong Ge

Hi! Jezebel,
Thanks for you replay first.

In fact, my goal is to printing a serials of card for learning

On the one face of the card, record a new word, and on the other face
of the card, record the explains and examples for the new word.

The explains and examples of the new word are from the Collins COBUILD
electronic dictionary, I copy and paste them to a temp document of
Microsoft Word. After setting the corresponding font size and style, I
copy these text to my cards. In fact, each card is a "TextFrame"
object and it's 9cm width, 5cm height, just like a normal business

For reading easily, the font size of the card can not too small. When
the font size is 7, I can reading easily enough, and the TextFrame
contain just 18 lines text at the same time.

This is the reason that I must split the explains and examples of my
new word to the 18 lines text blocks.

Tons of thanks again!
Dong Ge

First. Textboxes can wrap lines automatically and if you add scrollbars
there's no particular limit to the number of 'lines' the textbox can hold.

Second, there's no reason to expect one line in the document to correspond
to one line in the textbox.

You can't easily loop through the lines of the document because within the
document there is no 'line' object as such. The line breaks are not built-in
to the text.

Perhaps if you explained what you were trying to do? It sounds like you want
to transfer the body of your document to a series of textboxes, 18 lines at
a time... but that surely isn't what you mean.

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