how to send a newsletter to a distribution list but keep size down



I've noticed that the larger my distribution list grows
for the e-newsletters i produce the larger the size of the
email that is sent (i presume that the number of names in
the bcc field counts towards the ultimate size of the
email). I have seen other newsletters come in that have
my name in the to: line, and which I presume have
everyone's else in the bcc line OR do they? - is there a
way of making Outlook go through the distribution list and
pick out names singly to mail to, rather than include all
that data in the bcc line?
ps. i can't afford to use a newsletter hosting service -
if possible I would like a solution in Outlook that I can
set up myself.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

The size grows only in your Sent Items folder, not on the messages that
individual recipients receive. You can test this by including yourself in
the Bcc distribution.

The sending server usually sends individual messages to each domain
represented in your message.

You might also consider using a Word mail merge to e-mail instead of Bcc.


Hi, Thanks for the reply, however:

I tried out your test and I still don't understand

I sent an e-newsletter out last week and sent it to nearly
500 subscribers - all at one time and all included in the
bcc line - it measured 116KB in Sent items and measured
116KB when it arrived in my Inbox (I also just checked now
with a colleague to see what size it was when she got it -
the same 116KB).

So as a test I sent it again to 1 email address - 19KB -
both in the Sent mail and in my Inbox; then to 4
recipients - 20KB - in Sent and in my Inbox.

What it says the size is in my Sent items is just the same
as the size it is in my Inbox when I receive it.

So it does seem to be growing? And it does seemto be
counting all the email addresses in the final size? Or am
I just confusing myself further??

Thanks for your help


By the way: I am sending a text file (with line breaks) of
30.2KB size - pasted into an email message body (with
settings for Rich Text)

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Very interesting! And not the result I would have expencted. All the names
would not be included in the version you received. You might find it
interesting to look at the full raw message, maybe in Outlook Express. Do
you have an account you can access with OE?

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

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