How to send an e-mail to Project Manager.


Gaspar P.L.

Hi, everybody:

How can I configure PServer in order to send an e-mail to the Project
Manager when an assignment is made in the project?

Consider this environment.

I've three users: U1, U2 (yes, I'm fan too) and U3.
The owner is U1.
The project manager is U2.
The resource manager is U3.
The resource name is R1.
Name's project: P1.
U3 open P1 using Project Professional.
U3 made a new assignment at any task (new or existing).
U3 publish the project.
U2 must receive an e-mail about the new assignment.

Beforehand, thanks for your comments.

Best regards.

Mike Glen

Hi Gaspar,

Try posting on the server newsgroup. Please see FAQ Item: 24. Project
Newsgroups. FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information
can be seen at this web address:

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Gaspar P.L.

Hi Mike.

Thanks for your answer but, I don't understand how to access the addresses
(microsoft.public.project or microsoft.public.project.server). More than
that, the URL brings to
me the original site where a I posted my first message.

I only need to find a direct reference or similar information in order to
apply a solution to my problem. Maybe those sites have the information but
I'm not clear about how to use them.

Thanks, again.

Mike Glen

Hi Gaspar,

The URL you quote has a list on the left of all the Microsoft products. If
you hover your mouse over Microsoft Project it gives you 3 options, one of
which is Server.

Gaspar P.L.


Thanks, again.

I know how to use the Newsgroup interface (that's the same place where I
posted my original message).

Sorry if I cannot explain my doubt. I'll try to be more clear.

My question is:

How to configure Project Server in order to send an e-mail from there to the
Project Manager of the project when a Team Member or Resurce Manager make a
change (new assignment, units resource change, etc.) on the project that is
managed by that Project Manager?

a) That Project Manager not necessarily is the project owner.
b) The e-mail message must to go from Project Server to Project Manager
and not from de Project Server to resources.

Best regards.

Mike Glen

As I said earlier, please use the server newsgroup, you are still responding
on the project newsgroup! :)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

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