how to send timesheets for approvals to two different timesheet ma



just suppose if one team member is working on two separate projects of two
different project managers and two different time sheet managers.

now only one timesheet manager can Specify for one team member . and team
member need to send timesheets for approvals to two different timesheet
managers at the same time. how it can be done ?

Kindly reply me soon


No actually i want to know . I am asking . if team member is working on two
projects 50 % on each.
and obviously two different timesheet managers will approve his different
tasks w.r.t to projects.
but according to limitations of projects we can only specify one timesheet
manager for one team member.
and team member can submit tasks of one project to only one timesheet
manager for approval. and at the same time timesheet manager of another
project manager also required tasks from team member.

what the team member can do ?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Sam --

I understand your problem. This is a limitation of the Project Server 2007.
What you want to do simply cannot be done. Hope this helps.

Gary L. Chefetz


Are you perhaps confusing "Timesheet Manger" with "Status Manager?" While a
resource may submit timesheets to only one approver, or one approval chain,
the updates for projects are sent to the status managers who approve the
updates for tasks in the various project plans. One timesheet submission can
go to many project managers and update many project plans.

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