dnnll said:
I need to seperate a field input into two seperate fields. ex: <smith, john>
to <smith><john>. Access 2007 - thanks for any input
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I use the following routines to separate names. You can call them from
a query like this:
SELECT GetFirstName(name_column) As FirstName,
GetLastName(name_column) As LastName, ... etc. ...
FROM ...
Function GetFirstName(strName As String) As Variant
' Purpose:
' Get the first name off the indicated string
' In:
' strName The indicated string.
' Format: "LastName,FirstName MiddleName"
' Out:
' Variant The First name. If no first name - a NULL.
' Created:
' mgf 15apr2003
' Modified:
On Error Resume Next ' This function can be called from a query
Dim varTemp As Variant
' Get the first name, if any
varTemp = Trim$(Mid$(strName, InStr(1, strName, ",") + 1))
' If there is a middle name - parse it out
If InStr(1, varTemp, " ") > 0 Then
varTemp = Trim$(Left$(varTemp, InStr(1, varTemp, " ") - 1))
End If
If varTemp = "" Then varTemp = Null
GetFirstName = varTemp
End Function
Function GetMiddleName(strName As String) As Variant
' Purpose:
' Get the middle name off the indicated string
' In:
' strName The indicated string.
' Format: "LastName,FirstName MiddleName"
' Out:
' Variant The middle name. If no middle name - a NULL.
' Created:
' mgf 15apr2003
' Modified:
On Error Resume Next ' This function can be called from a query
Dim varTemp As Variant
varTemp = Trim$(Mid$(strName, InStr(1, strName, ",") + 1))
If InStr(1, varTemp, " ") > 0 Then
varTemp = Trim$(Mid$(varTemp, InStr(1, varTemp, " ") + 1))
varTemp = Null
End If
If varTemp = "" Then varTemp = Null
GetMiddleName = varTemp
End Function
Function GetLastName(strName As String) As Variant
' Purpose:
' Get the last name off the indicated string
' In:
' strName The indicated string.
' Format: "LastName,FirstName MiddleName"
' Out:
' Variant The last name. If no last name - a Null.
' Created:
' mgf 15apr2003
' Modified:
On Error Resume Next ' This function can be called from a query
Dim varTemp As Variant
If InStr(1, strName, ",") > 0 Then
varTemp = Trim$(Left$(strName, InStr(1, strName, ",") - 1))
End If
If varTemp = "" Then varTemp = Null
GetLastName = varTemp
End Function
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