How to set a ppt presentation to read-only



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I cannot seem to find a way to make an existing ppt presentation read-only. The option is greyed out under File/Properties/General/Attributes. Any suggestions?

Jim Gordon MVP

Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I cannot seem to find a way to make an existing ppt presentation read-only. The option is greyed out under File/Properties/General/Attributes. Any suggestions?


Read-Only can be accomplished several ways.

If Person A attempts to open a presentation on a shared volume that's
already open by someone else, then Person A will be allowed to open the
presentation Read-Only, or not at all.

Any file can be opened Read-Only using File > Open and clicking the
pop-up in next to "Open:" and choose Read-only.

When a file is not open in PowerPoint, use Finder. Select the file name,
then press APPLE+I on the keyboard, or use File > GetInfo. In the
GetInfo dialog box, in the sharing section set Read/Write and Read-only
as desired.


Jim Gordon

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