how to set a tab order in Excel 2003 for PC? (go cell to cell)



Does anybody know how to set a "tab order" in Excel 2003 for PC? I'm not
talking about just tabbing from left to right, but how to set a custom tab
order -- to tab to a pre-designated cell.

San Francisco

Don Guillett

Right click sheet tab>view code insert this>test and modify to suit.
OR unlock desired cells>protect sheet>use tab key

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = Range("a3").Address Then Range("b3").Select
If Target.Address = Range("b3").Address Then Range("b13").Select
End Sub

Ken Wright

Starting with the last cell first, and then onto the first, select all your
cells in order and then just give that selection a name. Select the name
when required and just start entering data


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