how to set default signature via registry key



Hello Team.

I created a new HTML signature with an image, and need to find an easy way
to push it out to several hundred people. I am going to email zipped up
signature to all users. They would need to extract it and run a batch file
that I have scripted using XCOPY to move:

mysignature_files (folder)

to the following folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft\Signatures

Ok, this part is working fine.

Now I am trying to figure out a way to set a default signature (in
environment where users have multiple signatures) in Outlook 2003 via
registry hack to avoid having to do the typicall - Tools-Options-Mail

Is this possible?

There is a key:
that appears to control this (I think) but it is empty on every box I looked

Can I populate that key with a specific value which will set the default
signature (mysignature.htm)? If so, what would those values be?

Am I in the right place? Is there a different key that will serve this
purpose? I have searched the registry up and down and can't find anything
else relevant.

Can someone shed some light on this, or suggest an alternative method.

Brian Tillman

Victor said:
I created a new HTML signature with an image, and need to find an
easy way to push it out to several hundred people.

While I can't answer your basic queston, you're better off adding such a
signature on the server, not on each client


Hi Brian, appreciate your time to respond.

This solution would not be applicable, because, 1 part of the signature
(Image and url of the site) is common to everyone, but step 2 of this
implementation - users modifying the signature with personal information and

So it has to be done localy.


I do want to follow up and say that I have changed my plan a little:

Instead of emailing the zipped file to individuals, I created a
Self-Extracting executable (think installer) archive (Signature.exe) and
placed in on a server (where users will be instructed to go to run this)
(that when clicked runs the batch file, which copies the content from the
server to user’s signature directory)
This will make the process smoother, because users would not have to Extract
anything or Run a batch file manually.

Reducing the steps.

Which is the reason that I want to determine the registry hack, so that
Outlook configuration is not required.

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