How to Set Focus a row - Option Button Click



How to Set Focus to the row - Option Button Click

***My Problem***
when you click on an Option Button it does not change the focus or make the
Option Button cell the active cell.

in my worksheet I have a Option Button in every row that will run a macro
that uses the values from the cells in the active row

I would like to set the focus or make the row from where the Button is
pressed, the active row

***example ***
If I click on a cell in row 3 then click on the option button in row 5 the
code that runs uses the values from row 3 - because clicking on the Option
Button does not change the focus off of row 3 and onto row 5

When I click on the option button in row 5, I want to make row 5 the active
row so the macro will use the values in row 5

does anyone have any ideas on how to change the focus when an Option Button
is clicked?


You need to change the LinkCell property of the Option button.

On excel spreadsheet Menu - View - toolbar - Control Toolbar. Enter design
mode (triangle). Then press conhtrol button and select properties on the
toolbar. Chenge LinkCell to any cell.

Then double click option button to open a VBA macro. Add code below. Each
button will have its own macro.

Private Sub OptionButton1_Click()
linkcell = OptionButton1.LinkedCell
End Sub


I used the Option button from the Forms toolbox

When I look at the Command Button from the Control Toolbar I do not see the
LinkCell Property in the property window. However, there is a
TakeFocusOnClick property.

I am going to change my option butttons to command buttons and see if that

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