How to Set Position/Index of Menu



Can anybody help me solve following problem? Please try

I have added sub menu in File menu. It is getting added at the botto
of the list. I want to set proper position say to positon 3. How can
set proper position?

I have written code in VC++. Following is code how I am adding menu
vtParam.vt = VT_BSTR;
vtParam.bstrVal = ::SysAllocString(L"File");

hr = CallMethod(vtCmdBars.pdispVal, L"Item", &vtCmdBar, 1, &vtParam);

m_pOurCmdBar = vtCmdBar.pdispVal;

hr = GetProperty(m_pOurCmdBar, L"Controls", &vtCtrls);

vtParam.vt = VT_BSTR; vtParam.bstrVal = ::SysAllocString(L"My Menu");
hr = CallMethod(vtCtrls.pdispVal, L"Item", &vtButton, 1, &vtParam);

// If we can't find it, make a new button...
vtParam.vt = VT_I4; vtParam.lVal = 1;
hr = CallMethod(vtCtrls.pdispVal, L"Add", &vtButton, 1
if (FAILED(hr)) goto cleanup;

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