How to set Powerpoint consulting fees?



I've never done Powerpoint consulting, or much of any consulting or
technical writing, though I've taught basic Powerpoint as part of
teaching basic computer skills in community colleges. However one of
my students just convinced her company (a nonprofit) to hire me to do
a major presentation of about 75 slides for a civic project and she
wants to take a look at the text etc. and then tell her my cost for
the entire project. She would provide the basic text material -I would
just have to write it up on slides, and provide some but not many
graphics. The images, she says, aren't very important, since the
presentation will be used in teaching dozens of regulations to people
applying for a special kind of driving license. Since I've only done
small Powerpoint projects for my students, I feel a bit out of my
league in regard to how to determine the time involved in such a
project, and how to set my fees (this would be for the Hartford Ct
area). I don't have any idea what professionals charge for a project
like this. Any suggestions - or hints for how to approach this project
or what to ask, consider etc. when I look at their material?

Unfortunately I have to present my fees for the project before late
Wednesday Sept 3...and if they're too low, I'll end up exploiting
myself and if they're too high, they'll turn me down. Thanks in
advance .....
Tracy Marie Schultz

Mike M.

Since this will be your "first time" you might want to keep the fees a
little lower to get your foot in the door. It might lead to more lucrative
consulting in the future. Part of what makes up a fee is the experience
level of the consultant. However, since it is your time that is being
consumed make sure the price makes it worthwhile.


Can I suggest looking out for charts/tables that you might
have to create.(since you will be supplied with text only)
Are the supplied text in digital form (where you can cut
and paste?, or would you have to type them manually?) How
long would it take for you to create each page? Is it a
slideshow? Any fancy animations? Do they want CD copies of
it at the end? Or is it a print flipbook? Who handles

Just to give you some idea on the figures, I think that
freelancers are charging anywhere between $10 to $25/page
to create a new presentation, then complex
charts/tables/image(that you have to provide and you might
actually have to "buy" them.....remember Copyright?) are
extra on top of per page charge. Another way is to charge
a flat rate but starts at a little higher for each page.
I know that in "Manhattan", PPT specilist are paid between
$25-$35/hr (nowaday it might have gone down to $17-25).
Hope this help.


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