How to set the default color for fill in functon?



Does anyone know how to set the default color for fill in function?
Everytime, Excel starts up, the default color for fill in function is
yellow, which is used to fill in the background for the specific cell. I
usually fill in grey color, if I can change the default color, it will help
me a lot.
Does anyone have any suggestion?
Thank you in advance

Dave Peterson

Check your post in .misc
Does anyone know how to set the default color for fill in function?
Everytime, Excel starts up, the default color for fill in function is
yellow, which is used to fill in the background for the specific cell. I
usually fill in grey color, if I can change the default color, it will help
me a lot.
Does anyone have any suggestion?
Thank you in advance


Eric said:
Does anyone know how to set the default color for fill in function?
Everytime, Excel starts up, the default color for fill in function is
yellow, which is used to fill in the background for the specific cell. I
usually fill in grey color, if I can change the default color, it will help
me a lot.
Does anyone have any suggestion?
Thank you in advance

Try giving this a shot:

Create a new, blank workbook.
Choose Tools>Options
On the Colour tab, click on the yellow square
Click Modify, select a colour as the default, click OK
To make yellow available, select the square that has the same colour
as the new default, and change it to yellow
Click OK.
Choose File>Save As
From the Save As Type dropdown, choose Template (*.xlt)
Name the File "Book.xlt"
Save it in the XLStart folder
(you can search for this -- in Windows XP it may be in
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel)


Thank you for your reply.
Could you please give me any suggestion on how to set the default color?
Tools>Options>the Colour tab.
If I select Gray color and click OK, it does save as default.
Could you please give me any suggestion?
Thank you very much

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