I want to make a graph that has the x-axis labels a full 24 hour period. I
have data points at random times during the day and I want to express that in
the graph. For example, if I have 5 at 7:00, 2 at 7:40, and 3 at 11:00, I
want it to show that the 5 and 2 are closer together than the 9, for example
that there were more occurances at 7, none between then, and 1 at 11:00?
have data points at random times during the day and I want to express that in
the graph. For example, if I have 5 at 7:00, 2 at 7:40, and 3 at 11:00, I
want it to show that the 5 and 2 are closer together than the 9, for example
that there were more occurances at 7, none between then, and 1 at 11:00?