Is it possible in MS Project (2000) to allow a task with an elapsed
duration to span a weekend, but not start or end on one? How would one
do this?
In this particular case, we have a test which runs for a fixed period
of time. The operator must be present both at the start and the end of
the test, but need not be present during the test.
For example, suppose the test lasts 5 days. It can start on Monday and
end Friday. It cannot start on Tuesday or Wednesday, since it would
end on Saturday or Sunday. However, it can start Thursday or Friday,
since it would end Monday or Tuesday.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
duration to span a weekend, but not start or end on one? How would one
do this?
In this particular case, we have a test which runs for a fixed period
of time. The operator must be present both at the start and the end of
the test, but need not be present during the test.
For example, suppose the test lasts 5 days. It can start on Monday and
end Friday. It cannot start on Tuesday or Wednesday, since it would
end on Saturday or Sunday. However, it can start Thursday or Friday,
since it would end Monday or Tuesday.
Thanks for any help you can provide.