how to set value for option group



I have a form to add course marks for each employee. In this form there is
emp ID, course ID, and marks. The marks are presents as option group; each
option has value start form 5 to 11. when I open the form, this form
represents the value which is in the table(old value). I try to set value in
the emp ID field, and course ID by macro and it works. The problem now how to
set the values in the option group? The macro set the value to be empty, in
order to enter new values , but the value of the option groups appears as the
last value entered. Can any body help me?

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

The proper way to enter multiple values is to build a separate detail table
with a record for each mark. From your post, I cannot determine whether you
have a separate table or that table is part of one of your main tables.
Assuming it's separate, you simply need a row for each mark, like:


Instead of an Option Group, use a combo box for the permissible marks, and
use a continuous form or datasheet for each row of data. Most often, the
continuous form is presented as a subform to either the Employee or Course
table form.

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