How to setup these tables with relationships?




I have a problem in how to design a new database to make the relationships
The general scope of the work is this:

List of Vendors that work in "Phases" of construction and "subPhases" of
i.e. Jim's Construction works is Phase 1 - Framing - (subphase = metal stud
and wood stick) and Phase 2 - Roofing - (subphase = Asphalt, Tile and Tar).
Each vendor also has a "product" for which there is a materials and/or labor
charge ex. 2x4 framing = 3.00 per foot material/1.00/hr labor.

The users need to be able to look up by Phase , then SubPhase and look for a
keyword search on the "product" to find Vendors to compare rates.

Users will also do the adding of new vendors and their assignment of phase,
subphase, rates, "products", etc.

From my flowcharting I can't make this work. I would have a vendors table,
Phase table, Subphase table and Products table. I think I would need a many
to many relationship between Vendors and Phase, Vendors and Subphase,
Vendors to Products. Also One to Many from Phase to Subphase.

Any help appreciated,


Elliot Liffman

How about a table SubPhaseDetails that includes the fields: [SubPhaseID],
[VendorID], [ProductID] and [Price]?

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