How to setup web service to access Active Directory


K.Ramana Reddy(GGK Tech)


Follow below steps:
1. Click on Active Directory web service link
2. Click on Run in the security warning window when it asks you to run or
save the file
3. Click on Run in the unknown publisher window
4. Click on Next
a. Change the value of the port if your port number is different and
click on Next
5. Click on Next to Confirm installation
a. Enter the Active Directory Path as per the example in the install
window and click on Next
6. Continue with install as per the installer window.
7. Open the SharePoint central administration in the administrative tools.
8. Select Configure virtual server settings and select Default website and
define Managed Paths.
9. Exclude the ADService.
10. Verify that the AD service works by doing following steps
a. Go to the AD web service in IE on the server
b. Click on GetMyInfo link
c. Click on Invoke
d..Your info should be seen in the new web page that opens

kb at donovanhill


Please excuse my limited experience in this area, but I'm not sure what you
are refering to here? where is the AD web service link? is this on the DC or
is it some application?


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