How to share a Notebook on 2 Computers



I am trying to work on the same Notebook from two computers. I started the
Notebook using my desktop with XP and OneNote 2007. However, I am unable to
open the Notebook when I try to do so with my Tablet using Vista and OneNote
2007. The Notebook will not open. It is stored on a network drive that I
access using a WebDav address. Can anyone help please.

Kathy Jacobs

Remember, we can't see what you are seeing... Meanwhile, check out a few
things for me...
What error messages (if any) are you getting?
Can the Tablet open the notebook when the desktop doesn't have it open?
If the Tablet opens it first, is the desktop then able to open it?

Help us to help you :)

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


Thanks for your response I will answer the questions in reverse order. The
Tablet has been unable to open the Notebook from the WebDav drive no matter
what. It did not matter whether the desktop had the file open. The error
message that I have been getting is:

'Your request cannot be completed because the service cannot be found or did
not respond. The service may be experiencing technical difficulties or you
may need to adjust your network settings.'

I know that this suggests a Network issue but whilst I was getting that
error message, I was still able to open word and other files from the WebDav
drive. However, your repy prompted me to try and open the Notebook from a
memory stick - which worked. Therefore, it looks like a settings problem for
the WebDav drive and a visit to the Network group.

Once again thanks for your help.

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