Make one of the PC's the "server" and put the master BCM database on it.
You'll need to setup that PC to allow a VPN connection in.
Have the other person create a VPN connection to the master PC "server".
That now makes the server seem like another hard drive to the remote.
When the remote logs in to the VPN they'll launch BCM. From the main menu,
go to Business Contact Manager, Database Tools, Create or Select a Database.
In the Computer Name field, enter the name of the server PC and click
Connect. BCM will find the master database on that PC. Click Next and BCM
will ask if you want to configure an "offline" database. Answer Yes, and
BCM will make a copy of the master on the remote's hard drive (this may take
a long while depending on the number of contacts and speed of the
connection -- faster is better! Having adult beverages nearby can
help... ).
Now, the remote will see a new button on their BCM menu bar that is either
"Online" or "Offline". They can work disconnected and 1-100 times per day
click the Online button to synch up with the master database. Depending on
bandwidth and PC power, they could stay connected all day and work "live" on
the master database instead of being disconnected.
This is the same procedure that you would use for someone (like an outside
salesperson or business owner) who wanted to take their BCM db with them on
a laptop. When they got to a hotel at night, they could synch up with the
master once they're connected to the internet.
Lon Orenstein
(e-mail address removed)