How to show Paste Special/Picture (just Picture) option (v2003)?



One of my officemates had MS Office 2003 installed on his laptop this week.
We discovered today that he does not have "Picture" as an option under
Edit/Paste Special. He does have everything else. Has this been removed
from Office 2003 or is there a way to adjust his options to have it display?
We use the "Picture" option to paste screenshots into our proposals to
maintain high print quality while minimizing the overall file size so it is
very vital to us.

Thanks, in advance, for any help that can be provided.



I'm assuming that the Edit>Paste Special with the choices of Bitmap or
Device Independent Bitmap are not adequate. I show those two options when
pasting a screen shot. Just using the Paste command gives me a 200dpi high
resolution image, just as the Paste Special options. I have Office 2000 Pro
at home, I'll check out the actions there tonight and post my findings.

Hope to be able to help.


Hi Eric,

If you paste the graphic using either bitmap or D.I.B. and then re-cut it,
Paste Special may give you the additional options, although I am not certain
what your options may be with Office 2000. The issue we have is with Office
2003 not showing the "Picture" option, which is available in Office 2002.
This option, " better than Bitmap for printing to high quality printers.
Of the format options available, Picture occupies the least space on disk
and displays the quickest in Word".

Thanks for your efforts.

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