How to show "Send and Receive" dialogue window?


John Oliver

I need to troubleshoot and email issue, but the Outlook in question
doesn't pop up the window that shows all the steps it takes. Googling
found some references to hiding that wiondow, but all assumed some
pre-existing knowledge ("Click the X box"... but where is the X box???)


Hi John,

Hope you are working on Outlook 2003.

You can get the send receive status by doing this. Click on Tools --> Send and Receive --> Send / Receive Settings --> Show Progress ...

Apart from this , you can also do this:

On the Tools menu, click Options. On the Other tab, click Advanced Options.

Select the Enable logging (troubleshooting) check box, and then click OK two times and then restart Outlook.

This would generate the log file by the name opmlog.log for Exchange, SMTP and POP3 transports.

Please refer to the link for more details.

Hope this helps!

Kirrin Jones

If you are using Outlook 2000/2003 then all you need to do is click on
the icon that is in the status area (bottom-right) when you click the
send/receive button and you should get the window to show up.

HATH = Hope All That/This Helps

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Your Outlook version is in play here.
Include that in your post.

Brian Tillman

John Oliver said:
I need to troubleshoot and email issue, but the Outlook in question
doesn't pop up the window that shows all the steps it takes. Googling
found some references to hiding that wiondow, but all assumed some
pre-existing knowledge ("Click the X box"... but where is the X

Since you neglected to state your Outlook version, the following is for
Outlook 2003.

Click Tools>Send/Receive>Send/Receive Settings>Show Progress

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