How to size Excel charts imported in Word properly


Lee Harris

This is driving me absolutely bananas. If anyone can convince me that the
software is not designed properly I would love to hear from you (as opposed
to somehow trying to argue that it's me not doing something intuitive).

I have 3 or 4 charts in Excel, I am copying each one and pasting (special)
as an excel object rather than a picture (perhaps that's my answer but then
I lose the abilityto tweak my charts). It is doing my head in trying to
resize them all so they all line up, eg they are all the same size, edges of
the chart areas lineup etc etc. Whenever I adjust one thing, Word decides to
resize all kinds of stuff so I end up with 6.5 pt font sizes and if I put
the font sizes back, the charts been resized. This isnt just me not leaving
enough room, sometimes word is scaling things UP not down. What the hell is
going on and what am I supposed to do.

All I want to do is tell Word that my Excel charts are 10 by 12 cm, then
when I edit them by double clicking I want to be able to adjust the plot
areas, font sizes and all the other stuff and have it still be 10 by 12 when
I come back and not have it resized or have it resize my fonts.

Am I missing an important stage here, surely someone is having a laugh at my
expense with this.

tks in advance


Hi Lee,

If your charts are scaled to anything other than 100% full
size in Word, both horizontally and vertically, then
everything in them will be scaled by the same amount(s).
So, if you scale a chart that has a 10pt font down by 35%,
the font in Word will come out at 6.5pt. Thus, if you
wanted about a 10pt output, you'd need to have a 15pt font
or thereabouts in the Chart. And, if you reduce the
vertical size to 50% but keep the horzontal size at 75%,
your font will look compressed vertically/stretched


Lee Harris

macropod said:
Hi Lee,

If your charts are scaled to anything other than 100% full
size in Word, both horizontally and vertically, then
everything in them will be scaled by the same amount(s).
So, if you scale a chart that has a 10pt font down by 35%,
the font in Word will come out at 6.5pt. Thus, if you
wanted about a 10pt output, you'd need to have a 15pt font
or thereabouts in the Chart. And, if you reduce the
vertical size to 50% but keep the horzontal size at 75%,
your font will look compressed vertically/stretched


but after you've resized the chart, and word has scaled its fonts in the
chart accordingly, why, when I double click the chart to edit those font
sizes does word then go back in and change the size of the chart which
should be fixed once I've adjusted it in the word document ?

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