How to solve "mailbox full" problem?



Senders tell me at times they get a message "mailbox is full" when attempting
to send messages. What is possible cause and cure.

Mircosoft Office Standard Addition 2003 - Using Outlook 2003

Brian Tillman

BLT said:
Senders tell me at times they get a message "mailbox is full" when
attempting to send messages. What is possible cause and cure.

One possible cause is that you're using Exchange as your server and that
people have reach the limit their mailboxes will hold. Another is that the
recipients are external to your company and that _their_ mailboxes are full.


BLT said:
Senders tell me at times they get a message "mailbox is full" when
to send messages. What is possible cause and cure.

Mircosoft Office Standard Addition 2003 - Using Outlook 2003

There is an "Addition" version? Hmmm, I just use Calculator for that.

Well, how many mails are you leaving in your mailbox? Could be it is
filled up because you are using the Inbox for storage instead of moving
them out to a different "holding" folder. Maybe you have so many mails
in your mailbox that your disk quota is all used up. You never bothered
to mention WHO is your e-mail provider, so you'll have to go check
yourself on what is your max disk quota for your e-mail account with
them. Read their web help pages or just call them to ask what is your
mailbox quota for capacity (i.e., disk space). If you only get, say,
10MB of disk quota and have one, or more, mails sitting in your mailbox
that consume that much disk space then, as you were told, your mailbox
is full - so empty it.

Judy Gleeson MVP - Outlook

Make a .pst file File | New | Outlook Data File and file stuff from
the Mailbox into that folder.

Judy Gleeson - MVP Outlook
Acorn Training and Consulting
Canberra, Australia
When you post in here, always include your version, SP level, and mode (if
applicable) of Outlook - you can find this information in Help | About. Also
include the type of mail account(s) you use and any other pertinent details.
Be sure to put a concise summary of your question in the subject line, and
the full details in the body of your post.


Judy said:
Make a .pst file File | New | Outlook Data File and file stuff from
the Mailbox into that folder.

if the OP is on POP rather than Exchange (and of course that information was
omitted from the post) then the message will refer to the mailbox on the
ISP's server. and your solution won't solve the problem.


Judy Gleeson MVP - Outlook said:
Make a .pst file File | New | Outlook Data File and file stuff
the Mailbox into that folder.

Probably won't help the OP. Their mailbox is probably getting full
because they are leaving the messages on the server, so yanking them to
Outlook and then moving into another data file won't help. The problem
isn't in Outlook or its message store. The problem is on the mail host
because the mailbox is full and *senders* can't get more mails into the
mailbox on the recipient's server. If the user was not leaving messages
on the server and was getting them into Outlook then they would be
getting downloaded AND deleted from the server so the OP's mailbox there
wouldn't be full. The problem is how the user is handling (as in NOT
handling correctly) their mailbox on their mail server.

The problem isn't in Outlook's Inbox or its message store. The message
the senders are getting is status returned from the recipient's mail
server. It doesn't matter if the recipient has Outlook running or not
or if the recipient is even connected to their mail server or not. The
OP's mailbox is full. No more room for more mails. Since the user is
using Outlook, they either haven't used Outlook to yank their mails from
their account or they configured Outlook to leave messages on the
server, or maybe they configured Outlook to not download messages larger
than some maximum size (which Outlook doesn't download and delete from
server unless the user then manually marks and downloads the marked
items). The problem is bad management of the user's mailbox which is a
problem up on the mail server.

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