How to sort E-mails?


Marek Staniewski

In our organization we would like to make a public folder where soem
mportant e-mails will be stored (stored by a number of co-workers)

We have used a public forlder to palce such e-mails.

Let say the directory in public folder is named "projects"

Within the Project folder we created subfolders with customer names:

Customer 1
Customer 2
Customer 3

Each customer has a subfolder for each project

We place in these folders all emails, which are important to us.

There is however quite frustrationg problem with finding the right folder.
We need quite a lot of time to go through different folder till we reach
folder projects.

To avoid such a problem we tried to make some short cut button. We assigned
to this shortcut a folder projects.
Unfortunately when we press the shortcut button projets we see empty folder
(there are no subfolders visible).

Is there any way to make a shortcut which shows all subfolders in folder

Maybe there is some other way to sort mails (in Public forlder)?

Marek Staniewski

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