I have a list of numbers that I need to have sorted. When I do a regular
sort - this is how the data comes out:
5601 132471 56010009621 100012976 3.40 298.000000
5601 132471 56010009621 100009721 4.02 298.000000
5601 132471 56010009621 100111974 0.54 298.000000
0101 110201 20010100150 100001981 79.03 2105885.000000
0101 110201 20010100150 100001982 27.85 2105885.000000
0101 110201 20010100150 100002483 6.32 2105885.000000
I need the line with the leading zero to be the top lines. I have used
text to columns and I have tried to do @value. Nothing seems to work. Any
sort - this is how the data comes out:
5601 132471 56010009621 100012976 3.40 298.000000
5601 132471 56010009621 100009721 4.02 298.000000
5601 132471 56010009621 100111974 0.54 298.000000
0101 110201 20010100150 100001981 79.03 2105885.000000
0101 110201 20010100150 100001982 27.85 2105885.000000
0101 110201 20010100150 100002483 6.32 2105885.000000
I need the line with the leading zero to be the top lines. I have used
text to columns and I have tried to do @value. Nothing seems to work. Any