how to specify the Row Source of a combo box


Paul James

I'm trying to create a combo box in a form in Word 2002, but I can't figure
out how to specify the data contents in the Row Source property of the combo

I tried using online help in Word, but it only talks about referring to the
cell address of the range of data as if I were building a combo box in
Excel. If I were in Excel or Access, I'd know how to do this. But how do
you specify a Row Source for a combo box in Word? That is, where do you put
the data, and how do you refer to it in the Row Source property box?

Thanks in advance.



As far as I know, in Word the RowSource property is useful only for clearing
the combo's list (ie, by setting RowSource = ""). To put data into the
Combo, use the AddItem method.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Paul,
I'm trying to create a combo box in a form in Word 2002, but I can't figure
out how to specify the data contents in the Row Source property of the combo
Besides AddItem, you can also assign an Array to the List() property. Take a
look this example in the Help

ListBox Control, Column, ColumnCount, List Properties Example

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Paul James

Good suggestion. Thanks, Cindy.

A question - in following the help paths you suggested (ListBox Control,
Column, ColumnCount, List Properties Example) I see that you can populate a
List box control using an array variable, and that section in help provides
an example showing how to do it. Do you know if you can also do this for a
combo box? That is, use an array along with a method like
"combobox1.list( ) = myArray" to provide the data source of the combo box?

I tried looking that up in help, but I couldn't find any information about
using an array to populate the data source of a combo box.

Thanks again in advance.



Comboboxes and Listboxes are pretty well identical for most purposes, apart
from the combo's editing methods and events.

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