HOw to speed up loading MANY form fields on 26 page document usingDAO to obtain data from MS Access


Bob Alston

I have a State goverment defined Word document with LOTS of form
fields, spanning 26 pages. Probably 1000 fields as a good guess. The
data is in an Access database in 12 different tables, each table
corresponding to one or m ore pages.

I have completed the load of data via DAO into the first page, about
50 fields. It seems rather slow.

My code tends to follow this format for assignments into the form

If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessHome") Then ActiveDocument.FormFields
("LocAccessHome").CheckBox.Value = True

ActiveDocument.FormFields("mentaltexta").Result = inrec.Fields

Everything seems to work it is just a lot of assignments and in tests
seems to take several seconds for this one page. Some of the later
pages are even more complex swith many more form fields.

I am planning to store the macro in the word document itself rather in
the Normal dot.
Any suggestions to speed up the processing?

Bob Alston

bobalston9 AT yahoo D O T com

Bob Alston

I have a State goverment defined Word document with LOTS of form
fields, spanning 26 pages.  Probably 1000 fields as a good guess.  The
data is in an Access database in 12 different tables, each table
corresponding to one or m ore pages.

I have completed the load of data via DAO into the first page, about
50 fields.  It seems rather slow.

My code tends to follow this format for assignments into the form

If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessHome") Then ActiveDocument.FormFields
("LocAccessHome").CheckBox.Value = True

ActiveDocument.FormFields("mentaltexta").Result = inrec.Fields

Everything seems to work it is just a lot of assignments and in tests
seems to take several seconds for this one page.  Some of the later
pages are even more complex swith many more form fields.

I am planning to store the macro in the word document itself rather in
the Normal dot.
Any suggestions to speed up the processing?

Bob Alston

bobalston9   AT yahoo   D O T com

I should have added that I am already aware of the benefits of not
having the document visible when doing such updates and only make it
visible once the updates are complete.

Jay Freedman

I should have added that I am already aware of the benefits of not
having the document visible when doing such updates and only make it
visible once the updates are complete.

There isn't a lot you can do. One thing that may have a (probably
minor) effect is to use the With ... End With construct to eliminate
one layer of pointer derefencing, like this:

With ActiveDocument.FormFields
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessHome") Then _
.Item("LocAccessHome").CheckBox.Value = True

.Item("mentaltexta").Result = _
inrec.Fields ("1mentaltexta")
End With

The .Item method is the equivalent of using the field name as the
index into the collection.
Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.

Bob Alston

There isn't a lot you can do. One thing that may have a (probably
minor) effect is to use the With ... End With construct to eliminate
one layer of pointer derefencing, like this:

With ActiveDocument.FormFields
   If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessHome") Then _
      .Item("LocAccessHome").CheckBox.Value = True

   .Item("mentaltexta").Result = _
       inrec.Fields ("1mentaltexta")
End With

The .Item method is the equivalent of using the field name as the
index into the collection.
Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP        FAQ:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately no improvements.

Any ability to compile/semi-compile VBA code in Word?

As I understand it it is lots faster to read Access from within Word
using VBA and DAO than it would be to use OLE from Access - right?

Would ADO be significantly faster?

This really sucks. So far, after having coded the loads of 7 1/2 or
26 pages of the document, the load takes 38 seconds. by extrapolation
we are looking at 3 minutes to load.

Here is the Word document I am trying to interface with. The clients
wants all text boxes to be variable in size - number of characters -
just like they can easily be in Word. IN Word everything shifts down
when this happens.

and here is the first few lines of my code for anyone to critique:

Sub LoadData()
Call LoadData1
Call LoadData2
End Sub
Sub LoadData1()
' LoadData2 Macro
' Macro created 6/16/2009 by Bob Alston

'***** Load data into an open Word document.............

Dim lresponse As Integer
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim inrec As DAO.Recordset
Dim cnt As Long
Dim selstr As String
Dim TheTable As String
Dim keyuca As Long

Word.Application.Visible = False

keyuca = -1461653180

'*** Process tbl_UCA

TheTable = "tbl_UCA"
'**** define the database object
Set db = DBEngine.OpenDatabase("c:\testData.mdb")
'***** Set error handling
On Error Resume Next
'***** Open up the input table
Set inrec = db.OpenRecordset(TheTable)
'**** select the current record to be copied
selstr = "[keyuca] = " & keyuca
inrec.FindFirst selstr
'***** Write fields to Word document
With ActiveDocument.FormFields

If inrec.Fields("1Assessment") Then .Item("assessment").CheckBox.Value
= True
If inrec.Fields("1ReAssessment") Then .Item
("Reassessment").CheckBox.Value = True

If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessHome") Then .Item
("LocAccessHome").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessRelative") Then .Item
("LocAccessRelative").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessNH") Then .Item
("LocAccessNH").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessHospital") Then .Item
("LocAccessHospital").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessother") Then
.Item("LocAccessother").CheckBox.Value = True
.Item("locAccessOtherDescr").Result = inrec.Fields
End If
..Item("mentaltexta").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltexta")
..Item("mentalscorea").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscorea")
..Item("assessment1").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscoreaweighted")
..Item("mentaltextb").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextb")
..Item("mentalscoreb").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscoreb")
..Item("assessment2").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscorebweighted")
..Item("mentaltextc").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextc")
..Item("mentaltextc2").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextc2")
..Item("mentalscorec").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscorec")
..Item("assessment3").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscorecweighted")
..Item("mentalscored").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscored")
..Item("assessment4").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscoredweighted")
..Item("mentaltextd1").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd1")
..Item("mentaltextd2").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd2")
..Item("mentaltextd3").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd3")
..Item("mentaltextd4").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd4")
..Item("mentaltextd5").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd5")
..Item("mentaltextd6").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd6")
..Item("mentaltextd7").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd7")
..Item("mentaltextd8").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd8")
..Item("mentaltextd9").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd9")
..Item("mentaltextd10").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd10")
..Item("mentaltextd11").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd11")
..Item("mentaltextd12").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd12")
..Item("mentaltextd13").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd13")
..Item("mentaltextd14").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd14")
..Item("mentaltextd15").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd15")
..Item("mentaltextd16").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd16")
..Item("mentaltextd17").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd17")
..Item("mentaltextd18").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd18")
..Item("mentaltextd19").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd19")
..Item("mentaltextd20").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd20")

Bob Alston

There isn't a lot you can do. One thing that may have a (probably
minor) effect is to use the With ... End With construct to eliminate
one layer of pointer derefencing, like this:
With ActiveDocument.FormFields
   If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessHome") Then _
      .Item("LocAccessHome").CheckBox.Value = True
   .Item("mentaltexta").Result = _
       inrec.Fields ("1mentaltexta")
End With
The .Item method is the equivalent of using the field name as the
index into the collection.
Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP        FAQ:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -

Thanks for the suggestion.  Unfortunately no improvements.

Any ability to compile/semi-compile VBA code in Word?

As I understand it it is lots faster to read Access from within Word
using VBA and DAO than it would be to use OLE from Access - right?

Would ADO be significantly faster?

This really sucks.  So far, after having coded the loads of 7 1/2 or
26 pages of the document, the load takes 38 seconds.  by extrapolation
we are looking at 3 minutes to load.

Here is the Word document I am trying to interface with.  The clients
wants all text boxes to be variable in size - number of characters -
just like they can easily be in Word.  IN Word everything shifts down
when this happens.

and here is the first few lines of my code for anyone to critique:

Sub LoadData()
Call LoadData1
Call LoadData2
End Sub
Sub LoadData1()
' LoadData2 Macro
' Macro created 6/16/2009 by Bob Alston

'***** Load data into an open Word document.............

Dim lresponse As Integer
Dim db      As DAO.Database
Dim inrec As DAO.Recordset
Dim cnt As Long
Dim selstr As String
Dim TheTable As String
Dim keyuca As Long

Word.Application.Visible = False

keyuca = -1461653180

'*** Process tbl_UCA

TheTable = "tbl_UCA"
'**** define the database object
Set db = DBEngine.OpenDatabase("c:\testData.mdb")
'***** Set error handling
On Error Resume Next
'*****  Open up the input table
Set inrec = db.OpenRecordset(TheTable)
'**** select the current record to be copied
selstr = "[keyuca] = " & keyuca
inrec.FindFirst selstr
'*****  Write fields to Word document
With ActiveDocument.FormFields

If inrec.Fields("1Assessment") Then .Item("assessment").CheckBox.Value
= True
If inrec.Fields("1ReAssessment") Then .Item
("Reassessment").CheckBox.Value = True

If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessHome") Then .Item
("LocAccessHome").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessRelative") Then .Item
("LocAccessRelative").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessNH") Then .Item
("LocAccessNH").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessHospital") Then .Item
("LocAccessHospital").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessother") Then
    .Item("LocAccessother").CheckBox.Value = True
    .Item("locAccessOtherDescr").Result = inrec.Fields
    End If
.Item("mentaltexta").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltexta")
.Item("mentalscorea").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscorea")
.Item("assessment1").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscoreaweighted")
.Item("mentaltextb").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextb")
.Item("mentalscoreb").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscoreb")
.Item("assessment2").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscorebweighted")
.Item("mentaltextc").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextc")
.Item("mentaltextc2").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextc2")
.Item("mentalscorec").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscorec")
.Item("assessment3").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscorecweighted")
.Item("mentalscored").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscored")
.Item("assessment4").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscoredweighted")
.Item("mentaltextd1").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd1")
.Item("mentaltextd2").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd2")
.Item("mentaltextd3").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd3")
.Item("mentaltextd4").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd4")
.Item("mentaltextd5").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd5")
.Item("mentaltextd6").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd6")
.Item("mentaltextd7").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd7")
.Item("mentaltextd8").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd8")
.Item("mentaltextd9").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd9")
.Item("mentaltextd10").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd10")
.Item("mentaltextd11").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd11")
.Item("mentaltextd12").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd12")
.Item("mentaltextd13").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd13")
.Item("mentaltextd14").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd14")
.Item("mentaltextd15").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd15")
.Item("mentaltextd16").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd16")
.Item("mentaltextd17").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd17")
.Item("mentaltextd18").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd18")
.Item("mentaltextd19").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd19")
.Item("mentaltextd20").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd20")- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

How about using this type of formfield assignment:

WordBasic.setformresult "clientname", mytext

I found this thread, near the bottom, the author, Lars-Eric Gisslen
says about the code above:
"It's blistering fast compared to 'Activedocument.FormFields()"



Bob Alston

Thanks for the suggestion.  Unfortunately no improvements.
Any ability to compile/semi-compile VBA code in Word?
As I understand it it is lots faster to read Access from within Word
using VBA and DAO than it would be to use OLE from Access - right?
Would ADO be significantly faster?
This really sucks.  So far, after having coded the loads of 7 1/2 or
26 pages of the document, the load takes 38 seconds.  by extrapolation
we are looking at 3 minutes to load.
Here is the Word document I am trying to interface with.  The clients
wants all text boxes to be variable in size - number of characters -
just like they can easily be in Word.  IN Word everything shifts down
when this happens.

and here is the first few lines of my code for anyone to critique:
Sub LoadData()
Call LoadData1
Call LoadData2
End Sub
Sub LoadData1()
' LoadData2 Macro
' Macro created 6/16/2009 by Bob Alston
'***** Load data into an open Word document.............
Dim lresponse As Integer
Dim db      As DAO.Database
Dim inrec As DAO.Recordset
Dim cnt As Long
Dim selstr As String
Dim TheTable As String
Dim keyuca As Long
Word.Application.Visible = False
keyuca = -1461653180
'*** Process tbl_UCA
TheTable = "tbl_UCA"
'**** define the database object
Set db = DBEngine.OpenDatabase("c:\testData.mdb")
'***** Set error handling
On Error Resume Next
'*****  Open up the input table
Set inrec = db.OpenRecordset(TheTable)
'**** select the current record to be copied
selstr = "[keyuca] = " & keyuca
inrec.FindFirst selstr
'*****  Write fields to Word document
With ActiveDocument.FormFields
If inrec.Fields("1Assessment") Then .Item("assessment").CheckBox.Value
= True
If inrec.Fields("1ReAssessment") Then .Item
("Reassessment").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessHome") Then .Item
("LocAccessHome").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessRelative") Then .Item
("LocAccessRelative").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessNH") Then .Item
("LocAccessNH").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessHospital") Then .Item
("LocAccessHospital").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessother") Then
    .Item("LocAccessother").CheckBox.Value = True
    .Item("locAccessOtherDescr").Result = inrec.Fields
    End If
.Item("mentaltexta").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltexta")
.Item("mentalscorea").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscorea")
.Item("assessment1").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscoreaweighted")
.Item("mentaltextb").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextb")
.Item("mentalscoreb").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscoreb")
.Item("assessment2").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscorebweighted")
.Item("mentaltextc").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextc")
.Item("mentaltextc2").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextc2")
.Item("mentalscorec").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscorec")
.Item("assessment3").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscorecweighted")
.Item("mentalscored").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscored")
.Item("assessment4").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscoredweighted")
.Item("mentaltextd1").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd1")
.Item("mentaltextd2").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd2")
.Item("mentaltextd3").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd3")
.Item("mentaltextd4").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd4")
.Item("mentaltextd5").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd5")
.Item("mentaltextd6").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd6")
.Item("mentaltextd7").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd7")
.Item("mentaltextd8").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd8")
.Item("mentaltextd9").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd9")
.Item("mentaltextd10").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd10")
.Item("mentaltextd11").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd11")
.Item("mentaltextd12").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd12")
.Item("mentaltextd13").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd13")
.Item("mentaltextd14").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd14")
.Item("mentaltextd15").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd15")
.Item("mentaltextd16").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd16")
.Item("mentaltextd17").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd17")
.Item("mentaltextd18").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd18")
.Item("mentaltextd19").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd19")
.Item("mentaltextd20").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd20")- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -

How about using this type of formfield assignment:

WordBasic.setformresult "clientname", mytext

I found this thread, near the bottom, the author, Lars-Eric Gisslen
says about the  code above:
"It's blistering fast compared to 'Activedocument.FormFields()"


Bob- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

For anyone else who might be interested in performance of Word VBA in
setting the values of word form fields, I can definitely say that the
legacy code

WordBasic.setformresult "clientname", mytext

is much much faster than VBA code of


My best estimate after about 40% through coding of 1175 form fields,
is that the VBA Activedocument code would have taken about 3 minutes.
The Wordbasic code takes 2-3 seconds. That is a 60:1

So if you need performance due to a large number of form field values
that you must set or read, try the legacy approach.

And take care with the bug in vba in setting text values > 254
characters. There is a workaround code on the web which is wierd but


bobalston9 AT yahoo D O T com

Bob Alston

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009 19:52:49 -0700 (PDT), Bob Alston
I have a State goverment defined Word document with LOTS of form
fields, spanning 26 pages.  Probably 1000 fields as a good guess.  The
data is in an Access database in 12 different tables, each table
corresponding to one or m ore pages.
I have completed the load of data via DAO into the first page, about
50 fields.  It seems rather slow.
My code tends to follow this format for assignments into the form
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessHome") Then ActiveDocument.FormFields
("LocAccessHome").CheckBox.Value = True
ActiveDocument.FormFields("mentaltexta").Result = inrec.Fields
Everything seems to work it is just a lot of assignments and in tests
seems to take several seconds for this one page.  Some of the later
pages are even more complex swith many more form fields.
I am planning to store the macro in the word document itself rather in
the Normal dot.
Any suggestions to speed up the processing?
Bob Alston
bobalston9  AT yahoo   D O T com
I should have added that I am already aware of the benefits of not
having the document visible when doing such updates and only make it
visible once the updates are complete.
There isn't a lot you can do. One thing that may have a (probably
minor) effect is to use the With ... End With construct to eliminate
one layer of pointer derefencing, like this:
With ActiveDocument.FormFields
   If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessHome") Then _
      .Item("LocAccessHome").CheckBox.Value = True
   .Item("mentaltexta").Result = _
       inrec.Fields ("1mentaltexta")
End With
The .Item method is the equivalent of using the field name as the
index into the collection.
Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP        FAQ:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Thanks for the suggestion.  Unfortunately no improvements.
Any ability to compile/semi-compile VBA code in Word?
As I understand it it is lots faster to read Access from within Word
using VBA and DAO than it would be to use OLE from Access - right?
Would ADO be significantly faster?
This really sucks.  So far, after having coded the loads of 7 1/2 or
26 pages of the document, the load takes 38 seconds.  by extrapolation
we are looking at 3 minutes to load.
Here is the Word document I am trying to interface with.  The clients
wants all text boxes to be variable in size - number of characters -
just like they can easily be in Word.  IN Word everything shifts down
when this happens.
and here is the first few lines of my code for anyone to critique:
Sub LoadData()
Call LoadData1
Call LoadData2
End Sub
Sub LoadData1()
' LoadData2 Macro
' Macro created 6/16/2009 by Bob Alston
'***** Load data into an open Word document.............
Dim lresponse As Integer
Dim db      As DAO.Database
Dim inrec As DAO.Recordset
Dim cnt As Long
Dim selstr As String
Dim TheTable As String
Dim keyuca As Long
Word.Application.Visible = False
keyuca = -1461653180
'*** Process tbl_UCA
TheTable = "tbl_UCA"
'**** define the database object
Set db = DBEngine.OpenDatabase("c:\testData.mdb")
'***** Set error handling
On Error Resume Next
'*****  Open up the input table
Set inrec = db.OpenRecordset(TheTable)
'**** select the current record to be copied
selstr = "[keyuca] = " & keyuca
inrec.FindFirst selstr
'*****  Write fields to Word document
With ActiveDocument.FormFields
If inrec.Fields("1Assessment") Then .Item("assessment").CheckBox.Value
= True
If inrec.Fields("1ReAssessment") Then .Item
("Reassessment").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessHome") Then .Item
("LocAccessHome").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessRelative") Then .Item
("LocAccessRelative").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessNH") Then .Item
("LocAccessNH").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessHospital") Then .Item
("LocAccessHospital").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessother") Then
    .Item("LocAccessother").CheckBox.Value = True
    .Item("locAccessOtherDescr").Result = inrec.Fields
    End If
.Item("mentaltexta").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltexta")
.Item("mentalscorea").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscorea")
.Item("assessment1").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscoreaweighted")
.Item("mentaltextb").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextb")
.Item("mentalscoreb").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscoreb")
.Item("assessment2").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscorebweighted")
.Item("mentaltextc").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextc")
.Item("mentaltextc2").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextc2")
.Item("mentalscorec").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscorec")
.Item("assessment3").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscorecweighted")
.Item("mentalscored").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscored")
.Item("assessment4").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscoredweighted")
.Item("mentaltextd1").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd1")
.Item("mentaltextd2").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd2")
.Item("mentaltextd3").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd3")
.Item("mentaltextd4").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd4")
.Item("mentaltextd5").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd5")
.Item("mentaltextd6").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd6")
.Item("mentaltextd7").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd7")
.Item("mentaltextd8").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd8")
.Item("mentaltextd9").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd9")
.Item("mentaltextd10").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd10")
.Item("mentaltextd11").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd11")
.Item("mentaltextd12").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd12")
.Item("mentaltextd13").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd13")
.Item("mentaltextd14").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd14")
.Item("mentaltextd15").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd15")
.Item("mentaltextd16").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd16")
.Item("mentaltextd17").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd17")
.Item("mentaltextd18").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd18")
.Item("mentaltextd19").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd19")
.Item("mentaltextd20").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd20")- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
How about using this type of formfield assignment:
WordBasic.setformresult "clientname", mytext
I found this thread, near the bottom, the author, Lars-Eric Gisslen
says about the  code above:
"It's blistering fast compared to 'Activedocument.FormFields()"

Bob- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -

For anyone else who might be interested in performance of Word VBA in
setting the values of word form fields, I can definitely say that the
legacy  code

WordBasic.setformresult "clientname", mytext

is much much faster than VBA code of


My best estimate after about 40% through coding of 1175 form fields,
is that the VBA Activedocument code would have taken about 3 minutes.
The Wordbasic code takes 2-3 seconds.  That is a 60:1

So if you need performance due to a large number of form field values
that you must set or read, try the legacy approach.

And take care with the bug in vba in setting text values > 254
characters.  There is a workaround code on the web which is wierd but


bobalston9 AT  yahoo  D O T com- Hide quoted text -

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Found one problem: this does not work for form fields that have been
defined as numeric.



Doug Robbins - Word MVP

See response to your later post.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via
On Tue, 16 Jun 2009 19:52:49 -0700 (PDT), Bob Alston
I have a State goverment defined Word document with LOTS of form
fields, spanning 26 pages. Probably 1000 fields as a good guess.
data is in an Access database in 12 different tables, each table
corresponding to one or m ore pages.
I have completed the load of data via DAO into the first page,
50 fields. It seems rather slow.
My code tends to follow this format for assignments into the form
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessHome") Then ActiveDocument.FormFields
("LocAccessHome").CheckBox.Value = True
ActiveDocument.FormFields("mentaltexta").Result = inrec.Fields
Everything seems to work it is just a lot of assignments and in
seems to take several seconds for this one page. Some of the
pages are even more complex swith many more form fields.
I am planning to store the macro in the word document itself
rather in
the Normal dot.
Any suggestions to speed up the processing?
Bob Alston
bobalston9 AT yahoo D O T com
I should have added that I am already aware of the benefits of not
having the document visible when doing such updates and only make
visible once the updates are complete.
There isn't a lot you can do. One thing that may have a (probably
minor) effect is to use the With ... End With construct to eliminate
one layer of pointer derefencing, like this:
With ActiveDocument.FormFields
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessHome") Then _
.Item("LocAccessHome").CheckBox.Value = True
.Item("mentaltexta").Result = _
inrec.Fields ("1mentaltexta")
End With
The .Item method is the equivalent of using the field name as the
index into the collection.
Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP FAQ:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.- Hide quoted text -
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Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately no improvements.
Any ability to compile/semi-compile VBA code in Word?
As I understand it it is lots faster to read Access from within Word
using VBA and DAO than it would be to use OLE from Access - right?
Would ADO be significantly faster?
This really sucks. So far, after having coded the loads of 7 1/2 or
26 pages of the document, the load takes 38 seconds. by extrapolation
we are looking at 3 minutes to load.
Here is the Word document I am trying to interface with. The clients
wants all text boxes to be variable in size - number of characters -
just like they can easily be in Word. IN Word everything shifts down
when this happens.
and here is the first few lines of my code for anyone to critique:
Sub LoadData()
Call LoadData1
Call LoadData2
End Sub
Sub LoadData1()
' LoadData2 Macro
' Macro created 6/16/2009 by Bob Alston
'***** Load data into an open Word document.............
Dim lresponse As Integer
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim inrec As DAO.Recordset
Dim cnt As Long
Dim selstr As String
Dim TheTable As String
Dim keyuca As Long
Word.Application.Visible = False
keyuca = -1461653180
'*** Process tbl_UCA
TheTable = "tbl_UCA"
'**** define the database object
Set db = DBEngine.OpenDatabase("c:\testData.mdb")
'***** Set error handling
On Error Resume Next
'***** Open up the input table
Set inrec = db.OpenRecordset(TheTable)
'**** select the current record to be copied
selstr = "[keyuca] = " & keyuca
inrec.FindFirst selstr
'***** Write fields to Word document
With ActiveDocument.FormFields
If inrec.Fields("1Assessment") Then .Item("assessment").CheckBox.Value
= True
If inrec.Fields("1ReAssessment") Then .Item
("Reassessment").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessHome") Then .Item
("LocAccessHome").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessRelative") Then .Item
("LocAccessRelative").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessNH") Then .Item
("LocAccessNH").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessHospital") Then .Item
("LocAccessHospital").CheckBox.Value = True
If inrec.Fields("1LocAccessother") Then
.Item("LocAccessother").CheckBox.Value = True
.Item("locAccessOtherDescr").Result = inrec.Fields
End If
.Item("mentaltexta").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltexta")
.Item("mentalscorea").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscorea")
.Item("assessment1").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscoreaweighted")
.Item("mentaltextb").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextb")
.Item("mentalscoreb").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscoreb")
.Item("assessment2").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscorebweighted")
.Item("mentaltextc").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextc")
.Item("mentaltextc2").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextc2")
.Item("mentalscorec").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscorec")
.Item("assessment3").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscorecweighted")
.Item("mentalscored").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscored")
.Item("assessment4").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentalscoredweighted")
.Item("mentaltextd1").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd1")
.Item("mentaltextd2").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd2")
.Item("mentaltextd3").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd3")
.Item("mentaltextd4").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd4")
.Item("mentaltextd5").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd5")
.Item("mentaltextd6").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd6")
.Item("mentaltextd7").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd7")
.Item("mentaltextd8").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd8")
.Item("mentaltextd9").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd9")
.Item("mentaltextd10").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd10")
.Item("mentaltextd11").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd11")
.Item("mentaltextd12").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd12")
.Item("mentaltextd13").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd13")
.Item("mentaltextd14").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd14")
.Item("mentaltextd15").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd15")
.Item("mentaltextd16").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd16")
.Item("mentaltextd17").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd17")
.Item("mentaltextd18").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd18")
.Item("mentaltextd19").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd19")
.Item("mentaltextd20").Result = inrec.Fields("1mentaltextd20")- Hide
quoted text -
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How about using this type of formfield assignment:
WordBasic.setformresult "clientname", mytext
I found this thread, near the bottom, the author, Lars-Eric Gisslen
says about the code above:
"It's blistering fast compared to 'Activedocument.FormFields()"

Bob- Hide quoted text -
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For anyone else who might be interested in performance of Word VBA in
setting the values of word form fields, I can definitely say that the
legacy code

WordBasic.setformresult "clientname", mytext

is much much faster than VBA code of


My best estimate after about 40% through coding of 1175 form fields,
is that the VBA Activedocument code would have taken about 3 minutes.
The Wordbasic code takes 2-3 seconds. That is a 60:1

So if you need performance due to a large number of form field values
that you must set or read, try the legacy approach.

And take care with the bug in vba in setting text values > 254
characters. There is a workaround code on the web which is wierd but


bobalston9 AT yahoo D O T com- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Found one problem: this does not work for form fields that have been
defined as numeric.



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