Michael R
I'm building a horizontal flexible calendar, a couple of months next to each
other, the start date being an input variable eg 28/06/2008.
The column width is just enough to display the DAY.
Row 1 has the dates starting with "input variable" (this row will be hidden
in the final presentation)
Row 2 if day = 1 display the month / year eg "July 2008". I use
=if(day(A1)=1,text(A1,"mmmm yyyy"),""), copied across all columns
Row 3 has the days eg 28 29 30 01 02 03 (=A1, formatted "dd")
The problem is in row 2: the column width is too narrow to display "July
2008". I would like this to spill over into following columns; however that
does not happen, because the column of day 02 contains a "", not a true empty
other, the start date being an input variable eg 28/06/2008.
The column width is just enough to display the DAY.
Row 1 has the dates starting with "input variable" (this row will be hidden
in the final presentation)
Row 2 if day = 1 display the month / year eg "July 2008". I use
=if(day(A1)=1,text(A1,"mmmm yyyy"),""), copied across all columns
Row 3 has the days eg 28 29 30 01 02 03 (=A1, formatted "dd")
The problem is in row 2: the column width is too narrow to display "July
2008". I would like this to spill over into following columns; however that
does not happen, because the column of day 02 contains a "", not a true empty