Hi Flower,
Another thing you might be able to do is to set up your page as a
Table. You can then select the cells in every other column and choose
to have them appear with a bottom border, while the rest of the table
cells have no border whatsoever.
Here's what I might do in your example above:
There would be 5 columns...1) City, 2) blank, 3) State, 4) blank, 5)
On the Main Menu click on "Table>Insert>Table. When the dialogue box
pops up, choose "5" for the number of columns. The number of rows
usually defaults to "9" I think, but you can always add more rows
What you should then see on your document is a Table with a heavy
outline around each cell. You can remove this outline completely by
selecting the entire Table (just to the top left you'll see a
four-headed arrow) and go to your Table Toolbar and click "no border".
(For ease of use, I usually also go back up to the Main Menu>Table>Show
Gridlines. These gridlines will not print, but make it easier to see
what you're working with...sort of like in Excel).
In column #1 you would type "City"
Column #2 (You would go back to your Table Toolbar and select the
bottom border option.
Column #3 you would type "State"
Column#4 you would leave blank, but again select the bottom border
Column #5 you would type "ZIP".
Working within a table makes it so easy and uniform, and you can adjust
the width of the cells to anything you want or even to adapt
automatically to fit your text. It also looks after the problem of
manually setting tabs and spacing.
I'm not sure if this will help you, but I hope it does to some degree.
Best of luck with this!