How to split numbers and decimal in 2 columns



One column for the dollars and the other for the cents? If so, use the Text
to Columns, Use Delimited as the split option (Step 1) and select Other, type
in the decimal point in the blank to the right of the Other option in step 2.

This is good, but how do i keep it in the colums is i introduce new data and
how do i sum it up (the colums) to get a final number with decimals in there
corresponding colums?

Billy Liddel

Dollars in in B, cents in C, Data shown

Dollars Cents Cu Sum
7 56 7.56
3 44 11.00
2 24 13.24
45 23 58.47

C2: =SUM($B$2:B2)+SUM($C$2:C2)/100 and copy down

Peter A

Gord Dibben

If you split 200.50 into two columns using Data>Text to Columns with decimal as
separator, you now have cells with 200 and 5 which if added is 205

You no longer have 200.50 because the decimal point is gone.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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