How to stop the dialog box from showing up when running append que



I have the following codes to insert new data into a table:

For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
datafile_name =
Right(.FoundFiles.Item(i), Len(.FoundFiles.Item(i)) -
InStrRev(.FoundFiles.Item(i), "\"))
datafile_name = Left(datafile_name,
InStrRev(datafile_name, ".") - 1)
PlateID = Mid(datafile_name,
InStr(datafile_name, "R") + 1, InStrRev(datafile_name, "R") -
InStr(datafile_name, "R") - 1)
RA = Right(datafile_name,
Len(datafile_name) - InStrRev(datafile_name, "R") + 1)
PlateID = CStr(CurrentReq) & "_PCR_" &
PlateID & "_" & RA
'Debug.Print datafile_name, PlateID
'generate SQL command to insert the two
new records
SQL = "Insert into tblPCRsetup
(PCRfile,plateID) values('" & datafile_name & _
"','" & PlateID & "')"
'Refresh query and set up new appendquery
DoCommand.RunSQL SQL
Next i

It's doing the job but a dialog box will show up with each iteration, asking
me to confirm inserting the data into a table. How can I get rid of this.


docmd.SetWarnings false

make sure you turn them back on when you are done (even if an error occurs).


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