How to submit OneNote stationery?


tripichik, cmt

What's the best way to submit templates for people to try out in OneNote?
Will there be more subgroups for OneNote as more people use this nearly
perfect tool for thinking people? Are there any things to take into account
in designing templates that can be used across a wide array of devices? I'm
interested in sharing templates for organizing elementary, middle, high
school and college students, helping them w/time management, esp good for
those with ADD or similar problems.

Kathy J

You can share your templates a couple of places that I know of:
1) Office On-line's OneNote area accepts template suggestions. I believe
that if you have one you wish to submit, you fill in that form and they will
contact you. (I have the direct email address for the person, but don't know
if I can share it. Maybe one of the OneNote developers will check for me.)
2) I have a OneNote stationery area on my site. If you want to have me post
your stationery there, contact me off newsgroup by unknotting my address. I
can't guarantee it will get up there quickly, but it will go up.

I admire your idea for setting up a group of templates to help students
learn time management. I think it is one of the areas that all of us have a
hard time learning.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-Author of Power OneNote: Unleashing the Power of OneNote from Holy Macro!
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