how to subtract weekends and off business hour from an existing time



hi all

i have a query which i hope u folks can shed some light

how do i subtract weekend and off business hour time from
consolidated time , is there any formula that i can remove the weeken
and off business hour directly from the consolidated time, reason why
m asking for help is that these are old data and the administrator ha
left the company without providing a trace of the raw data and the onl
thing left is the sheet of numeric like below.


the time is 587:14:35( average time for the entire week of wor
included weekend and non business hour)

what to exclude
sat and sun = 24hrs each X 2= 48:00:00
weekday non business hour = 13hrs x 5 =65:00:00

ur help and advice is appreciated



Frank Kabel

IMHO you won't be able to calculáte the net working time without access
to the raw data. You'll need at least the starting time for a week and
the ending time for a week.

sorry to say

Dave Peterson

You could put 113:00:00 in a cell.
copy it
select your range to adjust and edit|paste special|but click Subtract.

Or you could use a formula:


And drag down.

I like the formula approach. If I mess it up, I still have the original values.


Hi Dave

thks for the help and advice, have the following queries why 2 answer
return are different, i have also convert the time format to hh:mm:ss
any advice on this will be appreciated

And also thks to frank for looking into this ...

using the 113:00:00 cell
06:37:31 03:06:27 14:26:44 18:54:10

using the formula = =a1-time(48,0,0)-time(65,0,0)
06:37:31 03:06:27 09:33:16 05:05:50

the original time is
P95 Full ETTR -191:37:31
Sub ETTR - 164:06:27
Time to solve - 26:33:16
Reactivity Time - 46:05:5

Frank Kabel

try formating your cells with the custom format [hh]:mm:ss so that the
hours won't rollover after 24 hours.

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