how to sum the value



i have enter the record in the row, and inside the cell, i'm using
ALT+Enter to make more line for the record, but i would like to know
how to sum of the value in this cell??

C1 C2 C3
R1 1 1 XD
R2 2 2 YY
R3 1 XY
2 A
R4 3 3

how can i get the value of A = 3, that is the sum of R3C1(1+2)
also, how can i put the dollar sign automatically in cell R3C1 if i'm
using "ALT+ENTER" to make more line.

Gary L Brown

As soon as you use Alt-Enter, the information in the cell becomes text and is
no longer sumable.


Then how about i'm not using ALT+ENTER, but have the same function that
allow me to input more than one line in the cell??
Any suggestion to me??

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