how to sum up a range of formulas?



I have 3 columns and 3 rows:
A1 B1 C1
A2 B2 C2
A3 B3 C3

In row 4, i have the formula: (A1+A2)*A3 which is applied to columns B and C
Is there a formula which allows me to sum up row 4 without first obtaining
the values by columns A, B and C? i.e. something like:
sum((A1+A2)*A3,(B1+B2)*B3,(C1+C2)*C3)... but I don't want to type it out...
just drag and fill?


My apologies for the unintelligible message and my thanks for your
In reality, my formula is more complex than the one given. What I'm
actually looking for is this: E f(x) (where E is the "sum of" symbol)
So, I need to specify what f(x) is, and apply that across my columns.
Instead of =sum(no.1, no.2, no.3, etc.), I would like =sum(f(x1), f(x2),
f(x3), etc.)

I hope this makes more sense...


I realised I was overcomplicating things and using sumproduct works
perfectly. I just need to be extra careful in defining the ranges in the
formula. Thank you very much for that tip and sorry again for the confusion.

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