how to sum values of an unkown number of cells



I have the months of a year in a row. In each column I have values (e.g.
$/Jan, $/Feb, $/March).
Now I want to write a formula that gives me the sum of the values for the
year to date (ie in March give me the sum of the values for Jan, Feb, & March
but no others).

I use "MONTH(NOW())" to get the current month.

How to I get the sum of the values for this variable number of cells (ie it
grows from 1 to 12 cell values depending upon the month of the year it is)?

thank you

Don Guillett

This will sum row 2 from col A to the column of the month of today=19 IF
you could also use an offset formula
jan feb mar
Don Guillett
Microsoft MVP Excel
SalesAid Software
(e-mail address removed)
(e-mail address removed)...


This assumes a headre row and that the months are listed consecutively
beginning in column A.

Sub motst()
LRow = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
x = Month(Now)
If x = 2 Then
myVal = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("B2:B" & LRow))
MsgBox myVal
End If
End Sub

Dana DeLouis

How to I get the sum of the values for this variable number of cells (ie
grows from 1 to 12 cell values depending upon the month of the year it

One way. If we assume your data is in A1:L1


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