how to suppress copy/paste/cut in Visio



I am using the Visio Drawing Control in a VB container.
I want to suppress the copy/paste/cut functionality.
I tried to use the keydown event of the control and set the CancelDefault
to True. With no result, the control is still receiving the keyboard event.
Anyone knows how to accomplish this? Is it possible?
I would also be interested in suppressing other functions i.e. F3 brings up
the Fill dialog box, or Ctrl + K brings up the hyperlinks dialog box.
Thanks You,

Chris Roth [ Visio MVP ]

I've never gotten around to fully implementing this, but you can get some
good control using the "Before" events.

BeforeShapeAdded and BeforeSelectionDeleted allow you to reject the event.
Perhaps you can determine if these are being fired via cut or paste.

Like I said, I haven't thought it all the way through, but perhaps these
tips will get you going.


Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

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