How to switch from speakers to headset without unpluging wires


Sound problem

If I want to listen to music in playback mode, the default output is the
headset but if I want to get the speakers on, I need to unpluged the headset.
Is there anyway to select the output device from a menu. I've already tried
the sound menu in the control panel but it doesn't work.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

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Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

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After furious head scratching, Sound problem asked:

| If I want to listen to music in playback mode, the default output is
| the headset but if I want to get the speakers on, I need to unpluged
| the headset. Is there anyway to select the output device from a menu.
| I've already tried the sound menu in the control panel but it doesn't
| work.


You would need a switch between the computer output and the two device
inputs. No software in Windows can accomplish this since you have to have
the devices physically plugged in to something.

If you are plugging the headphones into a jack on the speakers there is a
switch built into the jack that silences the speakers and sends the output
to the headphones when plugged in. Someone that is good with electronics
could place a physical switch on the speaker case to replace the internal
jack switch to do what you want.

If you are plugging into the back of the computer you need a hardware switch
connected with two output jacks, one for the headphone and one for the
speaker. Check with Radio Shack to see if they have something like that.

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