How to sync MUD folders between multiple users on same computer?



Is there a way to SYNC the two different MUD folders of multiple users
on the SAME computer?

I'm both the Admin and Standard user (two users for security reasons)
on my one 2.2 MBP.
I'd like to have the MUD folder (and therefore the Entourage info)
synced between these two users.

What the easiest and best way to accomplish this?

Would the following work?
iSync and Sync Services??
Mark Space's Missing Sync??

Oh, I do NOT want to use .mac.

Are there problems to this sync with having both users simultaneously
active and logged in (by using the "fast switching" mode)?


Diane Ross

Is there a way to SYNC the two different MUD folders of multiple users
on the SAME computer?

I'm both the Admin and Standard user (two users for security reasons)
on my one 2.2 MBP.
I'd like to have the MUD folder (and therefore the Entourage info)
synced between these two users.

Not possible.
What the easiest and best way to accomplish this?

They would have to both be set to use the same Identity using an alias or

What you are asking to do seems contrary to your setup that you say is for
security reasons.

William Smith

Is there a way to SYNC the two different MUD folders of multiple users
on the SAME computer?

I'm both the Admin and Standard user (two users for security reasons)
on my one 2.2 MBP.
I'd like to have the MUD folder (and therefore the Entourage info)
synced between these two users.

Unless you're running applications that absolutely require you to be
logged in as an admin then I'd suggest always using the non-admin
account and entering your admin credentials when prompted. Most, if not
all, administrative tasks can be done while logged in as a Standard user.

If you must log in sometimes as an admin then I suggest you use Fast
User Switching to temporarily switch to your admin account while always
running Entourage under your Standard account.

Hope this helps!



William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
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