How to tabulate/report multiple transactions by customer for one d



I run a relatively simple database at work the uses two main tables -
customer and transaction. A customer comes in to cash a check and the
transaction is recorded. The transaction form is a subform on the customer
form. If a customer cashes a check in an amount greater than $9999 I
generate an individual report reflecting the transaction. Simple. My
problem is this. If a customer comes in and cashes multiple checks in the
same day and the total exceeds $9999, I need to generate an individual report
reflecting the multiple transactions. Is this doable? I must also consider
if one transaction exceeds $9999 and a second or third or fourth transaction
by the same customer also exceeds $9999, I would generate individual reports
for each as well as a multitransaction report (assuming the multi report is
possible). I am at a loss of how to accomplish this as my knowledge of VB is
very limited. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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