How to tag from one page to another



I.v seen it on all types of site, but I can't get it to work or find out how
it works.
I know there is a code you have to place on a item and when you click on it
it can take you to another page or go to the place on that page where the
info is at.

Stefan B Rusynko

It is called a Hyperlink (or a bookmark for within a page)
See the Menu and help on
Insert Hyperlink (and Insert Bookmark)


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;

| I.v seen it on all types of site, but I can't get it to work or find out how
| it works.
| I know there is a code you have to place on a item and when you click on it
| it can take you to another page or go to the place on that page where the
| info is at.

Andrew Murray

Expanding on Stephan's advice,

If there's a bit of information on page 2 that you want linked from page 1,
you need to specifty the anchor first; so, on page2.html, insert the code,
similar to this example:

<a name="info">
<p>This is the information on page 2 to be linked from page 1</p>

Then on page1.html insert a link

<a href="page2.html#info">Link to Info on Page 2</a>

Note, the "#info" bit is what makes the link jump a particular spot in a
page, to the anchor (Frontpage calls them "bookmarks").

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