I have start date, finish date, and duration in my project. When a task is
interrupted due to other higher priority task, how should I maintain the
duration constant but the start and finish date are changed. For example, a
task is originally entered with Start 07/01/05 and Finish 07/03/05 so the
duration is 3 days Due to some interruptions, the task get finished at
07/05/05 and duration became 5 days even the allocated resource has actually
worked on the task for 3 days.
interrupted due to other higher priority task, how should I maintain the
duration constant but the start and finish date are changed. For example, a
task is originally entered with Start 07/01/05 and Finish 07/03/05 so the
duration is 3 days Due to some interruptions, the task get finished at
07/05/05 and duration became 5 days even the allocated resource has actually
worked on the task for 3 days.