How to target which notebook with command line startup switch?


John Waller

Using OneNote 2007

I want to create a shortcut on my desktop which opens OneNote 2007 and
automatically creates a new Section in a specific notebook.

I want the new Section created in the same Notebook (called "Enquiries")
every time regardless of which notebook was in use previously.

I read through
which tells me how to create a new section in the "default notebook folder".
That's fine as far as it goes.

Using the /new switch ("C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office12\onenote.exe" /new) I can open OneNote and create a new
Section but it creates the new section in whatever Notebook was in use last
time ON was open.

How do I target a specific Notebook with that startup command for the new
Section to be created in?

I was hoping for something like C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office12\onenote.exe" /new /"Enquiries".

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