How to teach Visio.


Philippe C.

Any pedagogic suggestions ?
I have allready a list of little caveats a user should be aware of.
And things which are easier to see in a course than to follow in a book.
Why should everyone have a course in Visio (and also in Sketchup) ?
I'll be at the conference.

John Marshall, MVP

Depends on what you are trying to teach. There are several good books on
general use, like the Inside/Out or the Visio Bible. For programming, the
starting point is DVS, Developing Visio Solutions. If you are dealing with
Program fantics, then Graham Wideman's books should be used to supplement

Drop by the Microsoft or MVP booth and say hi. Most of the Visio MVPs and
the Visio devs will be there.

John... Visio MVP

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Al Edlund

AFAIK the DVS text isn't available in hard copy, so as a tutorial it can get
to be pretty annoying to read on-line. I would then favor David Edson's book
as one of the references for those getting started. Of course the video
tutorials on-line on the office site can also show some directions you might
take on.

Al Edlund

David's book was my introduction (while Visio still sent DVS as a PDF (gotta
luv acronyms)). I still go back to some of his demonstrations to get ideas
on how to implement things.
Kinda like Graham's stuff.

John Marshall, MVP

Originally DVS was available as a book that came with the software (remember
those days?). At that time, DVS stood for Developing Visio Shapes. There was
also a book called Programming Visio which was eventually combined with DVS.
After that it came as an Acrobat file called, DVS.PDF. So if you still have
an older copy of Visio, you should be able to find a copy of DVS.PDF.

So Al, you prefer hard copy to online? You must have been well trained at
IBM to lug around their manuals. I've installed many TNLs in my life time
and if I can get a soft copy, I'll get it.

I keep kidding Graham that since his books continue on from DVS, that DVS
really stands for "Da Very Start".

John... Visio MVP

Three weeks till the Visio Conference!!!! ;-)

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