How to Tie Into Control Event Handlers?




I'm new to InfoPath but a veteran with Visual Studio. I am trying to
find out what InfoPath control event handlers are available to tie into
via C# code (using the InfoPath toolkit for Visual Studio 2003).

For example, it's pretty easy to tie into the "OnClick" event of an
InfoPath button (open the button's properties and click "Edit Form
Code") but can I also tie into events on other controls such as text
and drop-down list boxes? If so, how do I do this (it doesn't appear
readily available from the InfoPath UI)?

My immeidate need is to tie into the "LostFocus" event of a text box
control to format the value in the control when the control loses focus
(e.g. user inputs "1235551212" into the control and when the focus
leaves the control it is re-formatted into "(123) 555-1212").

Finally, is there a definitive source somewhere that lists all of the
control events I could tie into?

Thanks in advance!


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